01.06.2018 - Beauty Care
Let the Sunshine in!

We can’t help but associate summer sunshine with all things happy. Childhood memories with our best friends. Lazy days at the beach. Enjoying a delicious ice cream under the shadow of a tree. Α romantic summer love. But those idyllic images have been tarnished with the ugly reality of sun damage. Wrinkles, burning and in some extreme cases, skin cancer. It seems, like the ultimate betrayal. How can something that makes us feel so good, be so bad? Well, this does not have to be the case. Protect yourself and enjoy only the good side of the sun. Do it right and you can forget its “dark side”.
Τhe Products
Photo Ageing Protection SPF 30, SPF 50 and SPF 30 Tinted is technologically advanced and offers high protection against photo ageing and the harmful sun rays. These new generation sunscreens with infra-Aging ™ technology and polygonum aviculare extract, protect against photo ageing aging (collagen degradation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity) caused by UVA-UVB & IR (INFRARED) radiation and increase skin firmness and elasticity. Moreover they absorbed more than 95% of UVB radiation and offer bio-protection against sun damage and premature skin ageing. They are paraben free and water resistant
For face and body choose Sun Care Cream Broad Spectrum SPF 30. It contains technologically advanced filters that offer protection from the UVA and UVB rays, while covering a broader spectrum of ultraviolet rays.
The right application
Even the most technologically advanced sun screen will not protect you if you don’t apply it right. Follow these steps.
Step 1 Coat your face and body, before you go outside
You don’t want to get to the beach, spend time setting up your towel and your umbrella and then sit down to put sunscreen. If you do that, you have already damaged your skin. Sunscreens take 20 minutes to seep into the skin to protect you properly. Always, apply before you leave the house
Step 2 Use it liberally
Unlike other face creams, a little does NOT go a long way, when it comes to sunscreens. If you don’t put the sufficient amount what you think is SPF 30 might turn to SPF 3 or 4. Dermatologists recommend a full one shot glass on your body, one teaspoon on your face and another teaspoon on your neck.
Step 3 Reapply it often
Every time you sweat, or swim, or dry your face you need to re apply your sunscreen. It does not matter if the label says “all day protection” or SPF 486, you still need to re apply it every 2 to 4 hours even if you don’t swim.
Professional Tip: Remember that a sunscreen should be used winter and summer, in the city or the beach.